Weathering with You2019

A story about the secret of this world that only I and she know.

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Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Weathering with You
Makoto Shinkai
Kotaro Daigo, Nana Mori, Tsubasa Honda, Sakura Kiryu, Sei Hiraizumi, Yuki Kaji
Animation, Drame, Fantaisie, Romance
À propos du film
Jeune lycéen, Hodaka fuit son île pour rejoindre Tokyo. Sans argent ni emploi, il tente de survivre dans la jungle urbaine et trouve un poste dans une revue dédiée au paranormal. Un phénomène météorologique extrême touche alors le Japon, exposé à de constantes pluies. Hodaka est dépêché pour enquêter sur l'existence de prêtresses du temps. Peu convaincu par cette légende, il change soudainement d'avis lorsqu'il croise la jeune Hina…

marco g.

a proposé le film.
Cela permet d'atteindre le statut de légende. Bravo !




Weathering with You2019
lundi, 10.02.
8 votes